5 Eye Procedures To Improve Your Vision

If you’re tired of wearing contacts or eyeglasses, you may have considered a corrective procedure to alleviate the problem. But did you know that you have several options?


Though LASIK is the most common procedure, medical science and ambitious ophthalmologists have forged a new era in refractive eye surgery, giving patients of all ages and conditions the chance to see the world in a new light. So, if you’re one of the millions of people with poor vision, learn more about the procedures that could improve your life.

5 Eye Procedures To Improve Your Vision


Since its approval by the FDA in 1999, LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) has become synonymous with corrective eye surgery. Designed to treat astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness, this procedure requires the surgeon to make an incision in the corneal flap. Once the flap over the eye is removed, an excimer laser reshapes the cornea. The doctor then replaces the flap, contributing to a shorter recovery process.



SMILE — or small incision lenticule extraction — is another procedure similar to LASIK in reshaping the cornear. However, it’s minimally invasive in comparison. SMILE cuts fewer nerves near the exterior of the eye, which has been shown to reduce dry eye in some patients. Furthermore, it’s a viable alternative for candidates who cannot get LASIK.


However, SMILE is only available for those with nearsightedness or astigmatism; it’s not available for those with farsightedness.


3. PRK

Like LASIK, PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) uses an excimer laser to shape the cornea. But unlike LASIK, the doctor removes the entire outer layer of tissue (flap), exposing the cornea in the process.


While this may seem counterintuitive, PRK was the predecessor to LASIK. It works similarly but requires a longer recovery time. While LASIK patients are back to normal in about 72 hours, PRK patients may need five to seven days before resuming their routine or daily activities.


4. RLE

Refractive lens exchange (RLE) is a revolutionary eye surgery and preventive measure for those genetically prone to cataracts. Rather than waiting until cataracts progress, RLE replaces the eye lens in advance.


During the procedure, a doctor makes a small incision in the eye and removes the natural lens. A silicone or plastic lens replaces the natural lens, removing the risk of cataracts while improving the patient’s vision.


5. ICL

Implantable collamer lens surgery is similar to RLE but with two key differences. Instead of replacing the natural lens of the eye, the surgeon places the collamer lens between the iris and the eye’s natural lens, effectively acting as an implanted contact lens.


In addition, ICL is to treat nearsightedness rather than cataracts, and those with cataracts are not eligible candidates for ICL surgery.


Which One Is Right for Me?

The eye procedure that’s right for you depends on various factors. Age, your eye condition, and your suitability as a candidate play into this decision. While the choice is ultimately yours, it’s crucial to remember that Dr. Alexandra Chebil, M.D. with her expertise and understanding of your unique situation, will provide a recommendation that’s in your best interest. 


By following her advice and preparing yourself for the procedure, you can confidently look forward to loving life with 20/20 vision.  Our private LASIK practice in Newport Beach is dedicated to personalized service.  You will enjoy the anxiety-free atmosphere and personalized care.  Contact us to book a complimentary consultation.